Beware of scams implying association with GRIMALDI GROUP.
The GRIMALDI GROUP is a multinational logistics group specialised in the operation of roll-on/roll-off vessels, car carriers, ferries and passengers.
- GRIMALDI GROUPnever provides the sale of the transported commodities, but provides solely for their transportation cycle.
- GRIMALDI GROUPnever proceeds to the proposals for recruitment by e-mail.
- GRIMALDI GROUPnever asks for money for recruitment.
- The official web site of GRIMALDI GROUPare only following urls:
- www.grimaldi.napoli.it(corporate site)
- www.grimaldi-lines.com(e-commerce site for passengers)
- cargo.grimaldi-lines.com(shortsea-cargo site)
- www.grimaldi-touroperator.com(tour-operator site)
- www.grimaldi-freightercruises.com(freighter travel site)
- www.grimaldi.co.uk(Grimaldi London)
- www.grimaldi-germany.de (Grimaldi Germany)
- You can report any suspicious e-mail or Web site to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!
The GRIMALDI GROUP is aware of various correspondences, being circulated via e-mails, from Internet Web sites, and via regular mail or fax, falsely stating that they are issued by or associated with GRIMALDI GROUP and/or its officials.
These scams, which may seek to extract money and/or in many cases personal details from the recipients of such correspondence, are fraudulent.
GRIMALDI GROUP assumes no responsibility for any consequences, including but not limited to, financial loss and identity theft or other, that may derive from such scams.
These correspondence and documents, e-mail addresses and Web sites are crafted so that they are made to look like they originate from GRIMALDI GROUP. For example, they may contain official-looking GRIMALDI GROUP stationery, including GRIMALDI GROUP’s logo, emblem or name, or some variation thereof, and e-mail or Web site addresses, including words like “Line, maritime, travel, loading, transport, cargo, rotable” for example or " GRIMALDI GROUP " or some similar name, or the name of a real GRIMALDI GROUP entity or fictitious one.
Unauthorized use of the GRIMALDI GROUP logo, emblem, name, or other names in these schemes is illegal. The relevant authorities will be informed of any such activities, of which GRIMALDI GROUP becomes aware, for appropriate action to be taken. Caution should be exercised in relation to any suspicious communication, as financial loss and identity theft could result from the sending of money or personal information to those issuing such fraudulent correspondence.
A sampling of such scams includes:
- Stage of recruitment process (GRIMALDI GROUPdoes not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process);
- Sales of vehicles at a price very competitive than the market;
Please contact the GRIMALDI GROUP for further information to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!.
Copyright © 1998 - 2009 Grimaldi Group. Tutti diritti riservati.
Grimaldi Compagnia di Navigazione SpA - Sede Legale Palermo - Via Emerico Amari n ° 8
Capitale sociale € 150.000.000,00 - C. F. e numero d'iscrizione del Registro delle Imprese di Palermo: 00117240820 P. IVA IT 00117240820